Thursday, 9 December 2010

this week I re-discovered pizza lol oops

yep as you guessed i had a bad week. i decided to make pizza, home-made of course, so not full of crap.
The first one i made was heaven so i sort of carried on throughout the week making pizza from scratch and ummmmm........eating it lol

very nice! i did use low fat cheese and had a tinned tomato base. onions , sweetcorn. a medium healthy pizza.

As i Write this now, the smell of baking dough and cheese melting is wafting in from the kitchen.

They should be ready in 5 minutes just enough time to sit here and write about it.

hey ho so 2 pounds on this week, but not really bothered as im happy.

All in good time ! xxx

1 comment:

  1. Pizza looks good though. I wouldn't of been able to resist@!
