Thursday, 9 December 2010

this week I re-discovered pizza lol oops

yep as you guessed i had a bad week. i decided to make pizza, home-made of course, so not full of crap.
The first one i made was heaven so i sort of carried on throughout the week making pizza from scratch and ummmmm........eating it lol

very nice! i did use low fat cheese and had a tinned tomato base. onions , sweetcorn. a medium healthy pizza.

As i Write this now, the smell of baking dough and cheese melting is wafting in from the kitchen.

They should be ready in 5 minutes just enough time to sit here and write about it.

hey ho so 2 pounds on this week, but not really bothered as im happy.

All in good time ! xxx

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Update 2nd dec

sorry i haven't written to tell you about my progress, life has been crazy lol. ok well since October i have gained and lost a few times and now im at my lowest weight ive been at for a few years which is nice. my face and neck look different and my fat is really breaking up in places. Im now on medication to control my under active thyroid. still taking the xenical, and oh my goodness 2 weeks ago i experienced the bad side affects. i made samosa`s for hubby and just had to have some.

i fried them in oil so the fat content was threw the roof ! lol well i think you can guess what happened.

anyways i had a lapse but now im back on track. i met my fitness instructor last week and shes very nice. she showed me a few simple and very easy exercises i can do whilst im swimming. basically just a tummy tuck. lifting knees up and down to strengthen lower tummy muscles. after the winter holidays i will attempt a work out at the gym.

well thats about it. im planning to visit my family for winter and i know there will be lots of foods that i will want to eat but gonna try my hardest not to binge on them.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Tonights meal

tonights lovley meal. it took FORever to cook due to me having to make 2 separate curries one for hubby and one for me with no oils. so he had the nice oil based korma with greek yogurt and coconut flakes ...........

and i had a water based prawn korma with low fat natural yogurt and lemon. yeah it tasted ok but i`ve got a thing for coconut, i love the stuff. but its super fattening.

i also made tandoori bbq masala chicken. oven roasted so no oils used. meal was completed meal with rice and lashings of diet cola to drink.

after all that savoury stuff tonight i had a nice chomp and fudge bar. norty but nice.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Lost 6 pounds but i binged

yey i was soo happy when i left the surgery yesterday. i stood on those scales and was delighted and shocked to see i was 3.2kgs lighter. it was such a boost to me. also i had my blood pressure checked and its was back down to a normal reading 119 over 90 .

so everything is good, i asked the nurse why am i constipated while taking xenical, and she said its strange but common, she said some people up the fat content just so they can have a bowel explosion lol

i might give that a miss

sooo i went straight to the shop and brought 2 choccy bars, gave half of one to hubby and ate the rest. but that was just the beginning.

the whole day i just binged, even those all my meals were correct and low fat.

in total the amount of crap i ate is

1 and a half choccy bars
4 bags of skips crisps
4 or 5 mini frozen chocolate eclairs- i lost count lol
3 extra pieces of bread

and too many rich tea biscuits

im allowing 25 slimming world syns a day but think yesterdays binge must of went to at least 40 syns. hey ho, today is another day and im back on track. not gonna have anything norty for a couple of days and give myself a good kick start to week 2.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

a brand new week to start

ok well the last 3 weeks have been crazy. one day im dieting the next im binging on everything and just cant stop. i was optimistic that when i went back to the doctors i would of lost loads of weight but i only lost a pound, which is still good but i really didnt put my mind to it.

on wed i went to the docs and she gave me the orlistat weight loss pills,and now im on day 2. so far so good, i dont feel any different, im religiously sticking to slimming world , mainly the green days, so that lots of potatoes, rice, pasta, low fat cheese/yogurts etc, whilst having unlimited fruit and veg and upto 20 syns a day.

ive stopped frying food for myself. i miss homemade onion bhaji`s though mmmmmm.

but i gotta change my ways.

so day 2 and things are going well. i went swimming Monday night but not this morning as i over slept but i will go tomorrow night insha allah. oh and also the doctor gave me a prescription for the gym. so that will include swimming and use of the gym. thing is there only one morning for the women so will have to make the most of it on that one day. but i do feel embarrassed to do all that gym exercise, i will wobbly lol
i dont mind swimming as im submerged in water and u can only see my head lol

im really pushing myself this week, as ive made weekly weigh in`s with the nurse at my surgery which is better as gives me something to work too.

i joined a great , super great online forum for weight loss. its called minimins. .check it out.

so much info and loads of support for people loosing weight on a mixture of different programs and medicines.

so yeah. i will post next week my loss insha allah it will be a big one.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

going to try a weight loss pill in 2 weeks time

Orlistat - Help With Weight Loss

Orlistat is a drug that can help you to lose weight if you are obese or overweight. It works by interfering with the way that fat is digested and absorbed into the body. Doctors have guidelines as to when orlistat can be prescribed. You can also buy orlistat from pharmacies - but certain conditions apply, detailed below. If you take orlistat, as it may possibly interfere with the absorbtion of some vitamins, you should take a multivitamin supplement at bedtime. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you take any other drugs as orlistat can interfere with the absorbtion of some drugs.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

the price of crap food compared to fruit and veg

Last night i popped into the supermarket before it closed to see what bargains i could grab, as in the way of fruits and veg that has past its sell by date. and yes i got a packet of mushrooms for 75p and oranges for 69p all reduced. But as i walked round i noticed that the reduced fatty foods, such as biscuits or cake slices were dirt cheap.
As low as 25p for a pack of 5 cake slices that were £1.00 plus.

now i did think twice before i picked them up , as im trying to not eat crap and have started the new diet. but i did, i just couldn't not buy that food for so cheap.
but it made me think, its true that crap food is always cheaper. its a shame.

i did equal out my shopping basket with fruit and veg and a few sweet things but i wish healthy food was 25p !

Monday, 13 September 2010

this is it, new diet

ok ive put this off for too long. The new diet. it has to be done. i was led in bed this morning after my morning prayer thinking some things got to give. ive gotta try and shift this weight. im OBESE, seriously Obese. yes im happy and not bothered what people think but i cant go on forever like this. 4 years ago i had gall stones and because i couldn't hardly eat anything i lost rather alot of weight and started to look and feel great, but ever since i had the gall bladder removal operation the weight started to creep back on as i started to gain a new love relationship with FOOD.

food is my enemy, its the addiction i cant kick. it would be ok if i could give it up forever but i still had to take some everyday. sometimes i think to myself, "get a grip, why do i let food rule me", its like i cant stop, literally . some days im like any other normal eater, normal meals, good healthy balance, and then other days oh god i cant stop. i want to just keep chewing and tasting things.

These days i feel sick so that makes me stop, but as a teenager i didnt stop and sometimes was physically sick.

from my earliest memories ive found food to be a great source of satisfaction. at the age of 8 i remember being offered a dietician but i refused. maybe if my mother had taken control and said yes we need your help maybe at that age i could of changed everything around.

But no, at 25 im still going strong and piling the pounds. well actually its stopped but it fluctuates between a few pounds but stays around an alarming weight, which i am not going to share, because no women should ever see the scales move round to that number .

i always seem to be on a diet. and in the past they do work as long as i dont get bored after the first month. I tend to stick to slimming world as its very free and easy and feel my body likes their healthy eating approach.

so this is what im gonna stick to. and share all my ups and downs in the process.

I hope to god, i stick to this.

god willing i will be thinner !